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A lecture on "Evidence-based Clinical Management of Peri-implant infections"

by Prof. Niklaus P. Lang

The lecture was held on 28th March 2010 at 2:00pm-5:00pm in Lecture Theater 1 Prince Philip Dental Hospital

FREE for members

Lecture Summary

It is of utmost importance to diagnose peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis at an early stage in order to intercept with supportive therapy to arrest existing infections. As diagnostic test parameters from the periodontal field appear reasonable to be used. Among those, peri-implant probing test, presence or absence of bleeding upon probing, suppuration and radiographic evaluation can be recommended. Implant mobility, however, constitutes a highly insensitive but highly specific sign of a complete loss of osseointegration leading to the loss of the implant. Increased probing depth and consistent bleeding on probing have been demonstrated to have reasonable diagnostic accuracy for the discovery of peri-implant lesions.
Since peri-implant lesions represent opportunistic infections their therapy must be based on infection control. Under these conditions progression of the disease may be arrested and subsequently, lost peri-implant tissues may be regenerated by surgical procedures. In this context a treatment approach for peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis termed Cumulative Interceptive Supportive Therapy (CIST) has been propagated and validated in clinical studies. Under the CIST concept mechanical debridement and antiseptic cleansing will be followed by the application of antibiotics depending on the diagnosis of the peri-implant tissues, specifically absence of presence of bleeding on probing and probing pocket depth will be used to cumulatively add one regime to another if the conditions appear to be worth.

Prof. Niklaus P. Lang

Professor of Implant Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong, 2008- ,Professor Emeritus, University of Berne, Switzerland, Chairman 1980-2008;
Dr. odont. h.c., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, 2009, Honorary Professor University of Aarhus, Denmark 2006-2011; Odont. Dr. h.c., University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 1997; Honorary Fellow RCPS Glasgow, 1995; Dr. odont. h.c., University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1994; Dr. odont. h.c., University of Athens, Greece, 1989; PhD, University of Berne, 1978; Master of Science in Periodontics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1975; Dr. med. dent., University of Berne, 1970;
Guest Professor University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, 2008, National University of Singapore, 2002, 2004, 2007, 2009, University of Michigan, USA, 2005, University of Göteborg, Sweden, 2000, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 1999/2000, University of Aarhus Denmark, 1994, University of Hong Kong, 1994, University of Texas, Health Science Center at San Antonio, Texas, USA, 1986; Professor Extraordinario, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, Mexico, 1980.
Published over 450 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals and several textbooks. Over 2000 lecturs in 5 continents. Editor-in-chief: Clinical Oral Implants Research, Editor: Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry. Assoc. Ediotor: Journal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry
Honorary member of: the American Academy of Periodontology, the Danish, German, Helenic, Italian, Lithuanian, Slovenian, SouthAfrican and Swiss Societies of Periodontology, Italian Society of Osseointegration, International Team of Implantology (ITI).


1st Study Group


22nd April 2010




Prince Philip Dental Hospital

34 Hospital Road, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong.


Periodontal assessment


Dr. Rosa Yeung W. K.

Dr. Kelvin Wan C. P.

Max. Capacity:

20 people


$100 (refundable for members)




Lecture on Sunday 20th June 2010

Exclusively for HKSPID Members

“Minimally Invasive Periodontal Regenerative Surgery:

Flap Design and Choice of Materials”

By Prof. Maurizio Tonetti

Prof. Maurizio S. Tonetti is currently the Director of the European Research Group on Periodontology (a European Network of Excellence) and Editor in Chief of the Journal of Clinical Periodontology. He has served as Professor and Head at the Departments of Periodontology at University College London and University of Connecticut Health Center. Besides being an active clinician, Prof. Tonetti has devoted his efforts to education and fundamental and clinical research in Periodontology and Implant Dentistry.


20th June 2010 (Sunday)


3:00pm – 6:00pm


Lecture Theater 1, Prince Philip Dental Hospital


34, Hospital Road, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong


Free for Paid-up members

We would like to acknowledge the support from Hong Kong Dental Association for this event

The 2nd Study Group

We are pleased to report that our 2nd study group was successfully held on 22nd July 2010. Despite the black rainstorm warning signal was issued during that evening, our moderators telephoned the participants, all of them decided to come and continue with the meeting. Although 2 of them did not actually make it to reach the venue, we are deeply impressed by the enthusiasm and support from our members. Eventually we have spent a fruitful night discussing on various aspects of implant treatment on periodontally susceptible patients while heavy rain continued to pour outside.

Thank you again to all the participants. For those who could not come due to the bad weather, the registration fee will be returned. We are looking forward to see you in the coming events.


22nd July 2010




Prince Philip Dental Hospital

34 Hospital Road, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong.


Implant treatment in periodontally susceptible patients


Dr. Kenny Tong

Dr. Simon Ho

Max. Capacity:

20 people


$100 (refundable for members)



The 3rd Study Group

Our third study group was held on 21st October 2010 (Thursday).


21st October 2010




7/F, Prince Philip Dental Hospital

34 Hospital Road, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong.


Suturing technique and flap design for periodontal surgery


Dr. Clive Fung

Dr. Vincent Ngai

Max. Capacity:

20 people


$100 (refundable for members)



Annual General Meeting

Date: 14th November 2010 (Sunday)

Time: 3:00 – 8:00 pm

Venue: Ramada Hong Kong Hotel

308 Des Voeux Road West

Hong Kong


And a lecture titled

Management of Periodontal Diseases through Teamwork and Collegiality

By Prof. J. L. Jin

the Professor of Periodontology, Postgraduate Program Director in Periodontology (Conjoint Program) and Associate Dean (Mainland & Global Affairs) at the Faculty of Dentistry, the University of Hong Kong. He

obtained two doctorial degrees respectively from Peking University, Beijing, China and Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. He joined HKU in 1994 and undertook an attachment to the Department of Periodontics at the University of Washington, USA in 2000. He was awarded the Fellowship in Dental Surgery ad hominem of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in 2007, elected as the Honorary Council Member of Chinese Stomatological Association in 2008 and the Vice‐Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 1st Global Congress of Chinese Dentists in 2010. He currently serves as the Vice‐Chairman of FDI Science Committee (2009‐2010); Chair of Periodontal Disease Task Group for IADR’s Global Oral Heath Inequalities: The Research Agenda (2009‐); President‐Elect of the Asian Pacific Society of Periodontology (2009‐2011); Treasurer of the South‐East Asian Division of IADR (2009‐2011); founding Member of the Periodontology Specialty Board of the College of Dental Surgeons of Hong Kong (2003‐); and Honorary Advisor of Hong Kong Society of Periodontology & Implant Dentistry. He is a Fellow of the ITI. He was the Council Member of Hong Kong Dental Association (1997‐1999) and Chairman of the Association’s Professional Education Committee (1999‐2002). He was the Chairman of the Scientific Committee for the 26th (2004) and 31th (2009) Asia Pacific Dental Congress. He serves on the Editorial Boards of 8 international journals including J Dent Res (2010‐2012), J Periodontol, J Periodont Res and Int Dent J. His research focuses on periodontal etiopathogenesis, bio‐ and genetic markers, periodontal medicine, traditional Chinese medicine and clinical trials. His research has been funded by the Research

Grants Council of Hong Kong, and the NIH (USA) as a sub‐contract through the collaboration with an

international team. He obtained the best paper award in Periodontology Research from the IADR South‐East Asia Division (2004), and the IADR/GSK Innovation in Oral Care Award (2006) shared with Prof. Cun‐Yu Wang (USA). He has supervised 20 postgraduates, lectured in a number of occasions nationally and internationally, and been an author or co‐author of 120 journal papers/book chapters.

Lecture Outline

Periodontal diseases are the most commonly occurring diseases yet unusual infections in humans. They are one of the most important global oral health burdens. A recent WHO report shows that severe periodontitis exists in 5‐20% of adult populations worldwide, and most children and adolescents exhibit signs of gingivitis (Petersen et al. 2005). Periodontitis remains a major cause of tooth loss in adults. Currently, periodontal diseases are also recognized as serious infections with profound effects on general health. In daily dental practice, patients with moderate to advanced periodontitis usually present with a wide range of oral problems. Individualized preventative measures and comprehensive treatments are great challenges to general dental practitioners. It is evident that periodontal care is a fundamental component of general practice. Without appropriate screening, risk assessment and effective control of periodontal infections, other dental treatments can be greatly compromised or ultimately fail. In recent years, an increasing number of dentally‐related law‐suit cases arise either from periodontal negligence litigation or poor clinical management outcomes. Over the past two decades, there is a substantial progress made in understanding the nature of periodontal diseases and in developing various innovative approaches in periodontal practice. This advance provides great challenges and exciting opportunities for dental practitioners in management of periodontal diseases through teamwork and collegiality.




Lily room



Lily room



Jasmine room


Lily room



Lily room



The Café

Registration form

The 1st Global Congress of Chinese Dentist

The 1st Global Congress of Chinese Dentist was held from 1-4/12/2010 in Xiamen China. Thanks to the sponsor from Hong Kong Dental Association, seven of our council members had attended the meeting. We are glad to be part of this historic event and be able to meet our colleaques from different parts of China as well as from many other parts of the world in this wonderful congress.

Management of Implant Complications and Peri-implantitis

by Prof. Hom Lay Wang



5th December 2010 (Sunday)



13:30 -16:00



Lecture Theater 1,

Prince Philip Dental Hospital

34 Hospital Road, Sai Ying Pun,

Hong Kong

Hom-Lay Wang, DDS., MSD., Ph D, Collegiate Professor and Di r e c t o r o f Gr a d u a t e Periodontics at the University of Michigan. Dr. Wang received his DDS from Taipei Medical College, Taiwan, DDS, MSD from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio and Ph D from Hiroshima University, Japan. He also serves as a Research advisor for Eng. A.B. Research Chair for Growth Factors and Bone Regeneration, King Saud University Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He published 20 book chapters/invited reviews and more than 200 scientific articles. Dr. Wang is a CO-Chair, Director and Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology and a President, Board Director and Diplomate of the ICOI and a Fellow of American College of Dentists. He Serves as an Associate Editor for The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, eJournal of Oral & Maxillofacial Research, and International Chinese Journal of Dentistry and Assistant Editor for the Implant Dentistry, Editorial Board member for the Journal of Periodontology, Clinical Oral Implants Research, International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry, Journal of Clinical Periodontology and many others. Dr. Wang is the recipient of following awards/honors: AADS clinical research fellowship award (1992), Best Faculty Award (2003), The Charles E. English Annual Award in Clinical Science and Techniques (2004), Best papers in Journal of Oral Implantology (2004), Morton L. Perel Annual Award for Dental Implant Educator (2007), and AAP University of Michigan Outstanding Teaching and Mentoring in Periodontics(2010).


This lecture is designed to help dentists in dealing with common implant complications, in particular avoiding complications before occurrence. Basics of treatment planning concepts, the mechanism of bone loss and the implant failure ( biological, biomechanical and the combination) will be addressed and the prophylactic as well. The treatment for implant d i s e a s e s / c omp l i c a t i o n s i n c l u d e s : chemotherapeutic agents, apically positioned flap with or without implantoplasty, implant surface detoxification, guided bone regeneration, soft tissue grafts, implant removal as well as re-implantation. A decision tree in managing the peri-implantits will also be presented.

Lecture outline:

1. Basics of Implant treatment

2. Biological & Biomechanical aspect of implant failure

3. Peri-implantitis and the treatment

4. Prophylactic measures

5. GBR, GTR & re-implantation

6. Decision tree of how to select and manage peri-implantitis

7. Tissue-integration and the clinical aspect for preventing per-implantitis

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